REVISTA BEIO | Volumen 32 no. 3, 2016

Editorial, E. Carrizosa

Treatment of collinearity through ortogonal regression: an economic application, R. Salmerón, J.García, C. García, C. García

Integer programming, clustering, and local search approaches for grouping urban waste collection sites, F. Perea, R. Ruiz, K. Katragjini

Illustration of a strategy to have the most representative simple, G. Sánchez-Crespo

Research on the perception and learning of correlation and regression, M. M. Gea, M. M. López-Martín, C. Batanero, P. Arteaga

Big Data in Biomedical Research. Perspectives from the BiostatnetCRM   Workshop, M. Gómez-Mateu, A. Lorenzo-Arriba, M. Bofill, N. Vilor-Tejedor, I. Barrio, J. Espasandín-Domínguez,  I. Guler, P. Cacheiro, U. Aguirre, N. Pérez-Alvarez
